Cat care: Wool and skin care

As the thinkers argued, beauty is inside. But when it comes to cats, the condition of the coat and skin directly reflects their well-being. Poor nutrition, lack of care, illness and stress have a negative impact on your cat’s health.

Good appearance and well-being

When she’s healthy, her hair shines, her ears and eyes are clean, her skin is clean and she has a good chair. Any healthy cat should have a shiny coat without a hint of mattress (we don’t write about “naked” cats here). Dull, heterogeneous coats of different lengths can be symptoms of disease, so it’s important to keep an eye on your cat’s coat. This will help prevent problems at an early stage.

Wool and moulting

Pets usually shed in spring and autumn. If your cat’s moulting is permanent, it’s worth considering changing her diet and/or adding extra hair vitamins. Moulting can also be a marker of internal problems, and it is advisable to show your cat to your vet: avoid external and internal parasites and take the necessary tests.

Your cat will need to be combed regularly with the help of plumbers and fusiliers. Furnitators help to reduce the amount of hair on your cat (and on your sofas and clothes, respectively) by more than 80%!


A combing session is perfect for examining your pet’s skin. Pay attention to rashes, peelings, eczemas, dandruff, and oily skin.

If you find fleas in your cat, you should take the situation into your own hands: buy a flea shampoo and make her a bath day, treat her with drops and put on a flea collar. Don’t forget to treat your pet as often as the droplet instructions require. Be sure to disinfect the cat’s bed and all the upholstered furniture in the house!

When it’s time to see a doctor

If you notice your cat’s lethargy, loss of appetite, hairballs, irritation or brush marks, noticeable loss of hair and thinning of the hair, contact your vet immediately.

The vet will examine the cat and take all necessary tests to find out the cause of the problem. If the specialist doesn’t find the cat ill, he will prescribe nutritional supplements, a special diet or a new food.

The right time to get used to grooming

Grooming is a set of animal care procedures. The sooner you get your cat used to grooming, the better. Teach your kitten to brush with a soft brush. At the same time, start touching your kitten’s paws by stroking her toes and gently massaging her pads.

This procedure will help prevent your cat from being afraid to cut her claws. If you take an adult or an old cat, the training procedures will remain the same. Of course, this will take longer and you will need more patience, but it’s never too late to get used to it.

Make sure you comb the cat out.

Scratching will help to keep the moulting process under control and prevent your cat from swallowing excess hair. Both short-haired and long-haired cats will moult. This is a natural process.

Moulting is affected by daylight, or rather the number of hours a cat spends in the sun. The scientific name of this process is photoperiodism. It triggers a process of change in coat structure. Moulting can also be affected by breeds that moult more often or more intensively than other breeds.

Establish a care schedule

Long-haired cats need to be combed out at least once a week. In addition to removing dead hair and preventing tangles, combing removes dirt and dust from the coat and distributes natural oils.

As a result, the coat looks beautiful and glossy. Shorthair cats should be scratched every two weeks. Hairless cats such as the sphinx should be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth or a PH-neutral cloth.

Don’t forget the other procedures:

  • Wipe your eyes and ears if you have any unnecessary secretions,
  • If the cat is healthy, clean the coat once a month with special sanitary napkins,
  • Cut your claws once a month,
  • The cat doesn’t need to bathe every month, but if she likes water, she can have a bath every 8-12 weeks,
  • Once a year, take the animal to the vet for a checkup,
  • Periodically inspect teeth: there should be no yellow plaque, let alone tartar
  • And don’t forget to give your cat a treat after every care session!